My Tan Dress is perfect for wearing to and from tanning appointments and when using self-tanning products. My Tan dress is also stylish for everyday use. An essential item for any tanner.
Easy to assemble, easy to clean and allows a technician the flexibility to perform spray on tans at a designated location, a client's home or in your salon where space is limited. The flexible metal frame and added space inside increases your range of movement and allows for a more comfortable spray-on-tan experience.
Kickstart your tanning business adventure with our Basic Start Package! Perfect for personal use or small-scale start-ups, the Basic Start Package is your gateway to professional tanning. This kit includes 2 Litres of solutions, a Mini Mist Gun, a compressor, plus a range of tanning essentials. Solution included 2 Litres = 40 tans = $1,600 in tanning revenue (Based on 20 tans per litre @ $40 per tan)
Elevate your tanning business with our Pro Start Package, designed for growing ventures and ambitious professionals. This kit includes 3.5 litres of solution, a pop-up booth, a 550w ProMist cube compressor, a ProMist spray gun, plus a range of tanning essentials. Solution included 3.5 Litres = 70 tans = $2,800 in tanning revenue (Based on 20 tans per litre @ $40 per tan)
Launch your studio with confidence using our Studio Starter Package, a complete set-up for budding studios aiming for broader market reach. This kit includes 5 litres of solution, a pop-up booth, a single extractor fan, a 550w ProMist cube compressor, and a ProMist spray gun. Solution included 5.0 Litres = 100 tans = $4,000 in tanning revenue (Based on 20 tans per litre @ $40 per tan)
Optimise your flourishing salon with our Salon Pro Package, combining high-volume solutions and professional-grade equipment for growing businesses. This package includes 8 litres of solution, an open extraction booth with 3 fans, a 550w ProMist cube compressor and a ProMist spray gun. Solution included 8.0 Litres = 160 tans = $6,400 in tanning revenue (Based on 20 tans per litre @ $40 per tan)